Crime in New Jersey
Crime is present in every village, city, county, state, province and country. There is no place on earth where crime is absent, from the time the earliest people started to live together till now, no one has ever been recorded to say that there is no crime in this place. Hence crime is present everywhere is different forms, murders, thefts, kills, rape and many more shapes, the only difference is that in some places the crime rate is sky high while in the other places the crime rate is way below average. The main reason for this fluctuation is the number of gangs in the city, the law and order system of the city, the number of people who are in the police sector, the type of the laws that have been passed over gun control, alcohol drinking and many more factors,Ray Lewis Jersey. It is the aim of every city, county or country to eliminate crime and minimize the rate as much as possible so that the residents can sleep peacefully in the night and rest well. There is only one problem, that the police cannot be everywhere at once, and nor do they now where a criminal is going to hit next, hence, crime cannot be eliminated completely. If the previous crime history of New Jersey is viewed then we can see that New Jersey had quite high crime rates where the number of violent crimes like murders, rape killing of people during the robbery were sky rocketing. However, today the city is often declared as one of the best city crime rate wise, that is, the number of crimes or the rate of crime is pretty low than it used to be and hence it can be declared as a safe place for the people to live.The reason for this decreased crime rate is the presence of an efficient police force thathas many people hired for the sole purpose of fighting crime. Moreover the police department and officers are equipped with modern weaponry to deal with the criminals. In addition to this many laws have been passed by the government regarding the matter of guns, that is, only the registered people can have guns, as in the past cases it was seen that in most of the incidents guns were involved. Over the years the police department and the government had been successful in eliminating the crime and many large gangs that had been responsible for these criminal activities,Ray Lewis Youth Jersey, still the state is home to many gangs,New Justin Smith Jersey. The name of some of the gangs are Crisps, Hells Angels,1622, Trinitario, Sex Money Murda, United Blood Nation, Latin Kings,820, Iron Horeseman, Friends Stand United, Almighty Vice Lord Nation, The Breed Motorcycle Club, Double II Set and many more, however, still with these gangs present the crime rate with regard to violent crimes is 30,919; property,Andre Johnson Womens Jersey, 203,391, hence the total number of crimes committed each year is approximately equal to 234,310. If the crime rate is calculated then that equals to 27,204.84 per 1000 residents of the city,Jared Allen Youth Jersey.